Technical Analysis: New Articles
- ADLAND, R. and S. STRANDENES, 2006. Market efficiency in the bulk freight market revisited. Maritime Policy & Management. [Cited by 2] (1.61/year)
- AFOLABI, M.O. and O. OLUDE, 2007. Predicting Stock Prices Using a Hybrid Kohonen Self Organizing Map (SOM). Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Hawaii International …. [Cited by 1] (2.69/year)
- ATMEH, M.A. and I.M. DOBBS, 2006. Technical analysis and the stochastic properties of the Jordanian stock market index return. Studies in Economics and Finance. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- BABA, N., 2006. Utilization of NNs for Improving the Traditional Technical Analysis in the Financial Markets. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- BAKER, A., 2006. American power and the dollar: The constraints of technical authority and declaratory policy in the …. New Political Economy. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- BALAS, K. and D. PELECOUDAS, 2006. Imaging method and apparatus for the non-destructive analysis of paintings and monuments. US Patent 7,042,567. [Cited by 2] (1.61/year)
- BALLANTINE, B. and B. DEVONALD, 2006. Modern regulatory impact analysis: The experience of the European Union. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- BASK, M. and J. FIDRMUC, 2006. Fundamentals and Technical Trading: Behavior of Exchange Rates in the CEECs. Bank of Finland discussion paper. [Cited by 3] (2.41/year)
- BAYRAMOGLU, M., et al., 2006. Technical and economic analysis of electrocoagulation for the treatment of poultry slaughterhouse …. Separation and Purification Technology. [Cited by 3] (2.41/year)
- BEHNCKE, H., 2006. Spectral analysis of fourth order differential operators II. Math. Nachr. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- BELFORD, P., 2006. Candlestick stock analysis with genetic algorithms. Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and …. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- BOONNASA, S., P. NAMPRAKAI and T. MUANGNAPOH, 2006. Performance improvement of the combined cycle power plant by intake air cooling using an absorption …. Energy. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- BRUEMMER, F., A. HEBECKER and M. TRAPLETTI, 2006. SUSY breaking mediation by throat fields. Arxiv preprint hep-th/0605232. [Cited by 20] (16.08/year)
- CASSENS, J. and A. KOFOD-PETERSEN, 2006. Using Activity Theory to Model Context Awareness: a Qualitative Case Study. Proceedings of the 19th International Florida Artificial …. [Cited by 6] (4.82/year)
- CHANG, Y.H., M. METGHALCHI and C.C. CHAN, 2006. Technical trading strategies and cross-national information linkage: the case of Taiwan stock market. Applied Financial Economics. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- CHEN, A. and P. BICKEL, 2006. Efficient independent component analysis. Annals of Statistics. [Cited by 8] (6.43/year)
- CHEUNG, Y.W., 2006. An Empirical Model of Daily Highs and Lows. cesifo.de. [Cited by 13] (10.45/year)
- CHIARELLA, C., X.Z. HE and C. HOMMES, 2006. A dynamic analysis of moving average rules star, open. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. [Cited by 7] (5.63/year)
- COHEN, M.J., 2006. Sustainable Consumption Research as Democratic Expertise. Journal of Consumer Policy. [Cited by 2] (1.61/year)
- COIERA, E., 2006. Putting the technical back into socio-technical systems research. Int J Med Inform. [Cited by 5] (4.02/year)
- CREAMER, G. and Y. FREUND, 2006. Automated Trading with Boosting and Expert Weighting. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- DALE, R.T. and W.E. TYNER, 2006. ECONOMIC AND TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF ETHANOL DRY MILLING: MODEL DESCRIPTION. Staff Paper (06-04), Dept. of Ag. Econ., Purdue University, …. [Cited by 2] (1.61/year)
- DE, A. and M. AAKHUS, 2006. Argumentation support: from technologies to tools. Communications of the ACM. [Cited by 13] (10.45/year)
- DE, D., et al., 2006. Genetic algorithms to optimise the time to make stock market investment. Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and …. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- DE, M.L., J. FREDERIKSEN and J. MACKIE, 2006. Annual Report 2006 on the EC's Development Policy and the Implementation of External Assistance in …. [Cited by 2] (1.61/year)
- DE, P. and M. GRIMALDI, 2006. Exchange rate puzzles: A tale of switching attractors star, open. European Economic Review. [Cited by 23] (18.49/year)
- DINGS?YR, T., P. LAGO and H. VAN, 2006. Rationale promotes learning about architectural knowledge. the 8th International Workshop on Learning Software …. [Cited by 2] (1.61/year)
- DUEKER, M. and C.J. NEELY, 2007. Can Markov switching models predict excess foreign exchange returns?. Journal of banking and finance. [Cited by 6] (16.13/year)
- DUTTA, G., et al., 2006. Artificial Neural Network Models for Forecasting Stock Price Index in the Bombay Stock Exchange. Journal of Emerging Market Finance. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- FERN, A., S. YOON and R. GIVAN, 2006. Approximate policy iteration with a policy language bias: Solving relational Markov decision …. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. [Cited by 4] (3.22/year)
- FONTANINI, M., E. SPALLUCCI and T. PADMANABHAN, 2006. Zero-point length from string fluctuations. Physics Letters B. [Cited by 8] (6.43/year)
- FROMME, H., et al., 2006. Integrated exposure assessment survey (INES). Exposure to persistent and bioaccumulative chemicals …. Int J Hyg Environ Health (in press). [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- FR?HLING, R.D., 2006. Analysis of asymmetric wheel profile wear and its consequences. Vehicle System Dynamics. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- GARCIA-ALMANZA, A.L. and E.P.K. TSANG, 2006. The Repository Method for Chance Discovery in Financial Forecasting. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- GARCIA-ALMANZA, A.L. and E.P.K. TSANG, 2006. Forecasting stock prices using Genetic Programming and Chance Discovery. 12th International Conference On Computing In Economics And …. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- GILBERT, T., 2006. Mixed methods and mixed methodologies: The practical, the technical and the political. Journal of Research in Nursing. [Cited by 2] (1.61/year)
- GOWAN, C., K. STEPHENSON and L. SHABMAN, 2006. The role of ecosystem valuation in environmental decision making: Hydropower relicensing and dam …. Ecological Economics. [Cited by 3] (2.41/year)
- GUY, S., 2006. Designing urban knowledge: competing perspectives on energy and buildings. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. [Cited by 2] (1.61/year)
- HELFFER, B. and F. NIER, 2006. Quantitative analysis of metastability in reversible diffusion processes via a Witten complex …. hal.archives-ouvertes.fr. [Cited by 4] (3.22/year)
- HOCKX-YU, H., 2006. Establishing a UK LOCKSS Pilot Programme. Serials: The Journal for the Serials Community. [Cited by 2] (1.61/year)
- HONOUR, E.C. and R. VALERDI, 2006. Advancing an Ontology for Systems Engineering to Allow Consistent Measurement. Conference on Systems Engineering Research. Los Angeles, CA. [Cited by 2] (1.61/year)
- INCE, H., 2007. Short term forecasting with support vector machines and application to stock price prediction. International Journal of General Systems. [Cited by 1] (2.69/year)
- INCE, H. and T.B. TRAFALIS, 2007. Kernel principal component analysis and support vector machines for stock price prediction. IIE Transactions. [Cited by 3] (8.06/year)
- ISOMURA, M., et al., 2006. Sharing sensor networks. Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International …. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- JANG, E.S. and Y.K. LEE, 2006. A Method of Recommending Buying Points for Internet Shopping Malls. Proc. of the 10th Int'l Conf. on Knowledge-Based & …. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- KANBUR, R. and P. SHAFFER, 2007. Epistemology, Normative Theory and Poverty Analysis: Implications for Q-Squared in Practice. World Development. [Cited by 3] (8.06/year)
- KAWADE, S., et al., 2006. Sharing your Urban Residential WiFi (UR-WiFi). Vehicular Technology Conference, 2006. VTC 2006-Spring. IEEE …. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- KAZHAMIAKIN, R., P. PANDYA and M. PISTORE, 2006. Timed Modelling and Analysis in Web Service Compositions. Availability, Reliability and Security, 2006. ARES 2006. The …. [Cited by 3] (2.41/year)
- KELLY, H., 2006. Introduction. Social Research: An International Quarterly of Social …. [Cited by 19] (15.27/year)
- KING, J.C., 2007. An Evidence-Based Approach for Establishing Dietary Guidelines. Journal of Nutrition. [Cited by 1] (2.69/year)
- KNOBLOCH, K., et al., 2006. Sternal Fractures Occur Most Often in Old Cars to Seat-Belted Drivers Without Any Airbag Often With …. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- KOZHAN, R. and M. SALMON, 2006. On the Predictability of Tick by Tick Exchange Rates Using the Structure of the Order Book. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- LEE, C.K.M., et al., 2006. A dynamic information schema for supporting product lifecycle management. Expert Systems With Applications. [Cited by 2] (1.61/year)
- LIEN, K., 2006. Day Trading the Currency Market: Technical and Fundamental Strategies to Profit from Market Swings. books.google.com. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- LIU, J.N.K. and R.W.M. KWONG, 2007. Automatic extraction and identification of chart patterns towards financial forecast. Applied Soft Computing. [Cited by 1] (2.69/year)
- LUND, H. and E. M?NSTER, 2006. Integrated energy systems and local energy markets. Energy Policy. [Cited by 10] (8.04/year)
- MANZAN, S. and F. WESTERHOFF, 2006. Heterogeneous Expectations, Exchange Rate Dynamics and Predictability. J Econ Behav Organ (in press). [Cited by 5] (4.02/year)
- MARCUS, A.A. and M.H. ANDERSON, 2006. A general dynamic capability: does it propagate business and social competencies in the retail food …. Journal of Management Studies. [Cited by 4] (3.22/year)
- MARNAY, C. and G. VENKATARAMANAN, 2006. Microgrids in the Evolving Electricity Generation and DeliveryInfrastructure. [Cited by 2] (1.61/year)
- MATTISON, L.R., 2006. Potential for Combined Heat and Power in Massachusetts. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- MENKHOFF, L. and M.P. TAYLOR, 2007. The Obstinate Passion of Foreign Exchange Professionals: Technical Analysis. Journal of Economic Literature, forthcoming. [Cited by 3] (8.06/year)
- MONTI, A., et al., 2007. A full economic analysis of switchgrass under different scenarios in Italy estimated by BEE model. Biomass and Bioenergy. [Cited by 1] (2.69/year)
- MORRIS, G.L., 2006. Candlestick Charting Explained. books.google.com. [Cited by 8] (6.43/year)
- MUMFORD, E., 2006. The story of socio-technical design: reflections on its successes, failures and potential. Information Systems Journal. [Cited by 4] (3.22/year)
- NEELY, C.J., et al., 2006. The Adaptive Markets Hypothesis Evidence from the Foreign Exchange Market. papers.ssrn.com. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- NEUMUTH, T., et al., 2006. Acquisition of Process Descriptions from Surgical Interventions. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- OLIVER, T.R. and R.F. SINGER, 2006. Health Services Research as a Source of Legislative Analysis and Input: The Role of the California …. Health Services Research. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- PAN, H., D. SORNETTE and K. KORTANEK, 2006. Intelligent finance?an emerging direction. Quantitative Finance. [Cited by 3] (2.41/year)
- PAPADAMOU, S. and G. STEPHANIDES, 2007. Improving Technical Trading Systems by Using a New MATLAB based Genetic Algorithm Procedure. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. [Cited by 1] (2.69/year)
- PETRONI, N.L., et al., 2006. FATKit: A Framework for the Extraction and Analysis of Digital Forensic Data from Volatile System …. Digital Investigation. [Cited by 3] (2.41/year)
- PREDEN, J. and J. HELANDER, 2006. Auto-adaptation Driven by Observed Context Histories. 2 ndInternational Workshop on Exploiting Context Histories …. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- QI, M. and Y. WU, 2006. Technical Trading-Rule Profitability, Data Snooping, and Reality Check: Evidence from the Foreign …. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. [Cited by 7] (5.63/year)
- RAINERI, R., S. R?OS and D. SCHIELE, 2006. Technical and economic aspects of ancillary services markets in the electric power industry: an …. Energy Policy. [Cited by 3] (2.41/year)
- RAMDANI, J., et al., 2006. Semiconductor structure, semiconductor device, communicating device, integrated circuit, and process …. US Patent 7,067,856. [Cited by 6] (4.82/year)
- REITZ, S., 2006. On the predictive content of technical analysis. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- REITZ, S. and M.P. TAYLOR, 2006. The coordination channel of foreign exchange intervention: a nonlinear microstructural analysis. [Cited by 4] (3.22/year)
- REITZ, S., F. WESTERHOFF and C. WIELAND, 2006. Target Zone Interventions and Coordination of Expectations. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- RODRIGUEZ-BA?O, J., et al., 2006. Nosocomial Bacteremia Due to an As Yet Unclassified Acinetobacter Genomic Species 17-Like Strain. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- ROJAS-SOLA, J.I., M.?.G.E. GONZ?LEZ and E.P. MART?N, 2006. Computer-aided design and engineering: A study of windmills in la Mancha (Spain). Renewable Energy. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- ROUSE, W.B. and M.L. BABA, 2006. Enterprise transformation. Communications of the ACM. [Cited by 6] (4.82/year)
- ROYAL, K.A., et al., 2006. The effects of fatigue on decision making and shooting skill performance in water polo players. Journal of Sports Sciences. [Cited by 3] (2.41/year)
- RUSS, W., et al., 2006. Kieselguhr sludge from the deep bed filtration of beverages as a source for silicon in the …. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- SACK, W., et al., 2006. A Methodological Framework for Socio-Cognitive Analyses of Collaborative Design of Open Source …. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). [Cited by 15] (12.06/year)
- SAREWITZ, D., 2006. Liberating science from politics. American Scientist. [Cited by 3] (2.41/year)
- SAVIN, G., P. WELLER and J. ZVINGELIS, 2007. The Predictive Power of" Head-and-Shoulders" Price Patterns in the US Stock Market. Journal of Financial Econometrics. [Cited by 2] (5.38/year)
- SCHOREELS, C. and J.M. GARIBALDI, 2006. Comparative study of central decision makers versus groups of evolved agents trading in equity …. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on …. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- SCHULMEISTER, S., 2006. The interaction between technical currency trading and exchange rate fluctuations star, open. Finance Research Letters. [Cited by 4] (3.22/year)
- SPEER, S.A., 2007. On Recruiting Conversation Analysis for Critical Realist Purposes. Theory & Psychology. [Cited by 1] (2.69/year)
- STEIN, J.L., 2007. United States Current Account Deficits: A Stochastic Optimal Control Analysis. Journal of banking and finance. [Cited by 17] (45.70/year)
- STIRLING, A., 2006. Analysis, participation and power: justification and closure in participatory multi-criteria …. Land Use Policy. [Cited by 13] (10.45/year)
- STROZZI, F. and J.M.Z. COMENGES, 2006. Towards a non-linear trading strategy for financial time series. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. [Cited by 2] (1.61/year)
- SUTER, G.W. and G.W. SUTER, 2006. Ecological Risk Assessment. books.google.com. [Cited by 285] (229.09/year)
- TANAKA-YAMAWAKI, M. and S. TOKUOKA, 2007. Adaptive use of technical indicators for the prediction of intra-day stock prices. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. [Cited by 1] (2.69/year)
- THUNIS, P., et al., 2007. Analysis of model responses to emission-reduction scenarios within the CityDelta project. Atmospheric Environment. [Cited by 1] (2.69/year)
- TILAKARATNE, C.D., et al., 2006. Quantification of intermarket influence on the Australian All Ordinary Index based on optimization …. Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Computational Techniques …. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- TINGZHEN, M., L.I.U. WEI and X.U. GUOLIANG, 2006. Analytical and numerical investigation of the solar chimney power plant systems. International Journal of Solar Energy. [Cited by 3] (2.41/year)
- VERBONG, G. and F. GEELS, 2007. The ongoing energy transition: Lessons from a socio-technical, multi-level analysis of the Dutch …. Energy Policy. [Cited by 1] (2.69/year)
- WEIBLE, C.M., 2007. An Advocacy Coalition Framework Approach to Stakeholder Analysis: Understanding the Political …. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. [Cited by 2] (5.38/year)
- YIDONG, G. and E. MARSHALL, 2006. BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CHINA: Doubts Over New Antibiotic Land Co-Authors in Court. Science. [Cited by 1] (0.80/year)
- ZIVOT, E., J. WANG and I. NETLIBRARY, 2006. Modeling Financial Time Series with S-plus. books.google.com. [Cited by 81] (65.11/year)